piątek, 23 grudnia 2011

Happy Christmas

May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.

Let the happiness and prosperity never leave you.

Let the each day of the New Year brings you faith and gives strength and energy to create
and implement new ideas.

Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.


poniedziałek, 19 grudnia 2011

christmas greetings from Piraeus

Hello european friends! We are the children of the 29th Kindergarten school of Piraeus
We send you a video with greek christmas carols.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!

czwartek, 15 grudnia 2011

Hello Friends!

From Portugal, with best wishes, our Christmas Tree, at Enxara do Bispo, Mafra (made with recyclable and reusable materials):
"Boas Festas, são os votos de toda a equipa da EB1/JI de S. Miguel, Enxara do Bispo!"
"Best Wishes. From all the team at EB1/JI S. Miguel at Enxara do Bispo, Mafra"

środa, 14 grudnia 2011

Welcome to our project

Europa is a child of 5 years. She decides to take a trip to meet other children like her. She starts from Italy, where she meets a girl named Italia. Europa and Italia become friends and talk about the country where they live, their habits, customs and traditions through songs, rhymes, pictures, drawings. Europa decides to continue her journey. Italia makes a gift to Europa: a traditional fairy tale of her country. Europa takes the gift with her, to share it with children who will meet in other countries.

Europa è una bambina di 5 anni che decide di fare un viaggio per incontrare altri bambini come lei. Inizia il suo viaggio dall'Italia, dove incontra una bambina di nome Italia. Europa e Italia diventano amiche e parlano dei Paesi dove vivono, delle abitudini e delle tradizioni, attraverso canzoni, posie, foto, disegni. Europa decide di proseguire il suo viaggio. Italia le fa un regalo: una fiaba tradizionale del suo Paese. Europa porta quel dono con sé, per condividerlo con i bambini che incontrerà in altri Paesi.